Monday, April 9, 2012

Back in shape

Well, It's Monday. I'm officially allowed to resume my normal life after surgery. Surgery...don't let that word fool you; It wasn't really a big deal. My tonsils and adenoids were removed. I had been fighting infections and sickness for months. I was constantly run down, and feeling all around miserable. I would sleep 12 hours a day, most days (when possible). Little things like opening the blinds were difficult.
That's all over now. They're out, and I'm officially allowed to have my life back. This will be the first day back to work in two weeks, and my first real workout in two weeks too. I started slow, just a basic around the house workout (crunches, jumping jacks etc.) and then a short run. Well, two short runs. I forgot to return a library book, and since it's less than half a mile away, I ran it. I'm feeling good, out of shape, but pretty good.
My work will be doing the corporate challenge in a few months, and since I'm the captain of the team, I need to get back into shape. I've also put on some weight since being sick and unable to work out like I want to.
I'm trying to set some reasonable goals, and writing them down seemed like a great way to start.
Of course, yesterday was Easter, so our house is filled with delicious leftovers, but I'm determined to do my best at getting back on track. When I was in shape, food wasn't an issue. I've always been a healthy eater, aside from my candy addiction...but since slacking with the workouts, I've put on about 15 pounds.
Yikes! So that would be my first goal. I want to lose the 15 pounds I put on. I'd like to do it in about 2 months. Is that unreasonable? 8 weeks, so around 2 pounds a week. Since I'll be going from almost no exercise, it seems possible.
There are of course other goals like flexibility, time management, and WRITING.
I'll have to start with baby steps...This is day 1, and so far it's a lovely day.
At the risk of sounding like David Lynch, Today is sunny and cool. It's about 50 degrees at 10:30am. It's windy, but pleasant. Let's keep it that way.

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